Classic and Contemporary Works of Spiritual Illumination
Classic and Contemporary Works of Evolutionary Literature

The Finished Kingdom

Lillian DeWaters
Retail price: 
5.5 x 8.5

The Finished Kingdom provides a clear path for those searching for the higher way, the way that leads from the mental plane to the spiritual realm of the fourth dimension, or what Lillian DeWaters refers to as “the finished kingdom.”

“Sometimes we take many steps before the Way opens up clearly to us, but after we have taken one—that is, fixed our inner vision in the right direction, toward the heights—other steps come naturally.”

The Finished Kingdom provides a clear path for those searching for the higher way, the way that leads from the mental plane to the spiritual realm of the fourth dimension, or what Lillian DeWaters refers to as “the finished kingdom.”

While the author acknowledges that the reasoning mind has its place, she points to intuition as a step beyond. “Reason uses the process of analysis, while intuition is a state of illumined consciousness.” Reason searches, but divine intuition knows. Reason sometimes closes the door to illumination, with its questions, arguments, and discussions, but intuition labors not. “Intuition belongs to the high plane … it is the laborless activity of Christ in you.”

Through her personal experience and revelation, Lillian DeWaters inspires the reader to open himself to Truth; to rise above the mind, which says miracles are not possible, and to follow the example of Christ Jesus. This is a present possibility, and she assures us that “if we can’t, with one stroke, rise to the heights of freedom, we rise stroke by stroke, but we rise nevertheless.” “Come, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world!”

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