Classic and Contemporary Works of Spiritual Illumination
Classic and Contemporary Works of Evolutionary Literature

Who Am I?

Lillian DeWaters
Retail price: 
5.5 x 8.5

For individuals who are ready to let go of the past conditioning, this book will be a treasure.

Who Am I is an inspiration for every serious student of The Absolute Teaching who wants to KNOW the truth and not just “know” it, but who aspires to actually LIVE it. The author reveals the way through this book.

The Absolute Teaching is a mystical message about living as the One Divine Self, and for individuals who are ready to let go of the past conditioning, this book will be a treasure. All throughout the writings there are progressive unfoldments of Truth as each chapter leads to greater illumination. The chapter titles provide a glimpse of what one can expect from careful study and application of the principles given in this book: The Answer, Finding Oneself, The Self Alone Is, “If I Be Lifted Up,” The Supremacy of the Self.

Because the conditioning of this world is so pervasive, the author never implies that this progression of illumination is easy; however, when practiced, the increasing sense of freedom, of greater harmony, and a feeling of “all is well” will become apparent. The time this takes will depend on the seeker’s preparation, dedication and willingness to accept the true Self as the only One.

Through the chapters within this book as well as on a greater scale, through all of her books, the author weaves an extraordinary tapestry of Truth and it is this realization of Truth that outpictures Itself as a “way” of LIFE.

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