The Christmas Letters is a collection of inspiring words from Joel S. Goldsmith that shine a new spiritual light on the inner joy of the Christmas season. It is a compilation of the December Infinite Way Monthly Letters that the author sent out over the many years of his ministry to his students around the world. Each chapter celebrates an aspect of the universal Christ message of "Christ in us."
The material in the book may feel familiar to many and brand new to others, but what is clear is its purpose to illuminate for the reader the ever-growing richness of his or her own awakening consciousness with its ever-widening depths of spiritual discernment. The Christmas Letters touches all aspects of the spiritual journey from sense to Soul, highlighting the profound truth that Christmas is not one day in the year, but is the living reality hidden within each and every soul on earth.
The author writes, "To understand Christmas Day, then, let us understand clearly that God has planted the seed of Himself in each of us, the seed that springs forth as the fully developed son of God whose mission it is that our lives may be fulfilled, that we may show forth the glory of God which the Master revealed."